One Mouse, hello. If you happen to show up, I am enigma2 on
Raw Story but here I am Marlie. This is actually a little site
I created years ago. Many of the people who frequented
this place have passed on. We were mostly seniors, except
we’ve got a few youngsters who show up from time to time.
Hi there Mouse. How do you like the looks of the place.
It’s a sanctuary in many ways. You can talk about whatever
strikes your fancy. I am appalled by what happened with
the elections around the country. I think there was a lot
of rigging happening. I can’t say how but I can’t shake the
feeling that something isn’t right. I thought you were not
off until Wednesday.
Hello Mouse. I just saw he anointed Matt the forehead Gaetz as AG. Bet there will plenty of
prosecutions now. Democrats had better toe the
line because they will throw in jail. Oh, I don’t mind your rants. They are fun and pretty much in line with my opinions of what’s happening. Tbh, I don’t
really care what dumpster does, he is putting all of his ass kissers in positions of control. I’ll bet all
of Gaetz’s problems are going to disappear now.
I can’t be around cats, I’m allergic. I like cats though.
How are the horses doing? We are having a rainy day. I love rainy days.
If you let me know ahead of time we could have a live chat.
I added the new feature yesterday. So far we are loving it.
Great you like it. This place is actually a web site, it’s just scaled down. I can add as many pages as I like. Right now I have many of the existing pages closed. Since there are so few of us these days. I am actually thinking of inviting others to come join. This is the kind of place you can say what you like and not be ridiculed. I own the site so I can kick any intruders off. Hey I’d like to see your mini.
Do you know how to post pictures, you can do that here.
Did you get my email address? It’ll be easier
to do a real time chat. It’s on the page that says Wise Chat Window, it’s really cool.
By the way, my name is really Marlene. 😊
Tbh, I will rejoice the day he dies. He has done so much harm to this country it’s inexcusable. Remember when they kept accusing Obama of being divisive, Drumpf got him beat a million fold.
I pop in from time to time. But I work two jobs, so it’s difficult.
Things are already expensive here. We were already getting an influx of “refugees” from Idaho, but they’re only poisoning the blood of Eastern Washington, so they can stay there!
Hello Trace. Glad to hear from you, and very happy to
hear you are alive. Have you finished all the clean up
work you needed to do. We are finally having cooler
temperatures. It’s been down right pleasant the last few
Good morning Sal. We’re doing good here. The weather
has finally cooled to tolerable levels, looking forward to
some rain.
How are you and yours faring?
tracey marie
5 months ago
Hi there, just cking in after a long break. Been busy with workers, the only thing left is the fence and that will be taken care of next week. FINALLY.
LA Metro has had a lot of incidents lately when I took it to college about a decade ago I didn’t felt unsafe at all even during the evenings when I was coming home. The homeless population here has also exploded since then so you have people who are mentally ill or on drugs being belligerent to bus operators and passengers. I think it’s going to get worse before it gets better.
I am ambivalent about people who are homeless.
The causes are many. I don’t think it’s a solvable
problem considering as I said the causes are few
too numerous. I have met more than a few over
the years and I have to say the ones I feel for most
are the ones with no family caring about them and
their well being. Some were drug addicts who spent
their entire time trying to stay high. As you say
it will probably get worse before it gets better.
The main driving force behind homelessness here is the absurd rent. You have shoe boxes with broken pipes that cost 2k minimum for a one bedroom. Substance abuse is an issue but if you tackle the root cause which is the housing crisis that can curb drug use. Studies have shown that four months is the typical window that a homeless person has before they become susceptible to alcoholism and drug use. L.A. politics on the surface may seem tame because it hasn’t had notorious scandals like Chicago or New York but it’s very dirty behind the scenes.
Excellent assessment Sal. I agree that
housing costs are through the roof.
In the area here where I live, there is a plan
being put forth that would allow property owners,
who have fairly good sized lots,
to build a small/tiny home with stipulations.
But here’s the rub, those people who own acres
are saying no way. Even though it would
mean extra income for them. We don’t have
a homeless problem around here mainly
because we unincorporated. The problem
is also many large corporations buy up new houses in developments that might be
affordable but the buyers charge excessive
amounts for rent. I like the Harris plan to
build more affordable housing but they would
have to extra vigilant to keep special interest
groups from swooping in. Arizona have been
the target of many of these entities. Too bad
more emphasis is not placed on them and
the damage they are causing.
Last edited 5 months ago by Marlie
5 months ago
Bengals are 0-3 to start the season {sad tiger noises}
Warriors like the Lakers have an aging superstar who can still perform at an elite level but can’t carry the team on his back anymore. I’m ready for basketball this offseason felt so long!
Marls! The Lakers drafted his son in the second round they’ll be the first father-son duo to play in league history! LeBron will be 40 this December and even though he’s not as explosive as he was 3-4 years ago he’s still one of the top 5 players. It would be awesome if the Lakers can win one more ring with him but they need a strong bench and versatile role players. I think LeBron wants to win one more ring so he can retire with at least 5 but I also think he’s proud of what he’s accomplished and wants to play until his body tells him it’s officially time to hang them up. When he retires it’s going to feel very strange watching basketball as he was the bridge between 2000s and 2010s basketball. I’m very fortunate to have witnessed his career that 2016 Finals Series was the most epic I’ve ever seen and I think it won’t be matched for a very long time.
Good morning Sal. That is an interesting move
bringing Lebron’s son to the team.
Do you think they will actually play him or
use him as trade bait? I see your point
about obtaining 5 rings championship
rings but to honest, I don’t understand why.
It reminds me of when Boxers win multiple
belts in different weight classes but the ‘
difference is they can achieve that feat in
a lot fewer years. If his goal is to win 5
rings then I wish him luck.
Had our power knocked out a couple of times yesterday from the cyclone bomb. Might be more of the same tonight.
We had rain all day but nothing substantial.
It never reached a down pour. Come to the
Chat window, we can talk real time.
Who wants to bake brownies with Bill?
Well that was a bit strange. How did your dinner date go?
Chat, chat, chat at 3:35PM
One Mouse, hello. If you happen to show up, I am enigma2 on
Raw Story but here I am Marlie. This is actually a little site
I created years ago. Many of the people who frequented
this place have passed on. We were mostly seniors, except
we’ve got a few youngsters who show up from time to time.
Hi there Mouse. How do you like the looks of the place.
It’s a sanctuary in many ways. You can talk about whatever
strikes your fancy. I am appalled by what happened with
the elections around the country. I think there was a lot
of rigging happening. I can’t say how but I can’t shake the
feeling that something isn’t right. I thought you were not
off until Wednesday.
Hello Mouse. I just saw he anointed Matt the forehead Gaetz as AG. Bet there will plenty of
prosecutions now. Democrats had better toe the
line because they will throw in jail. Oh, I don’t mind your rants. They are fun and pretty much in line with my opinions of what’s happening. Tbh, I don’t
really care what dumpster does, he is putting all of his ass kissers in positions of control. I’ll bet all
of Gaetz’s problems are going to disappear now.
I can’t be around cats, I’m allergic. I like cats though.
How are the horses doing? We are having a rainy day. I love rainy days.
If you let me know ahead of time we could have a live chat.
I added the new feature yesterday. So far we are loving it.
Great you like it. This place is actually a web site, it’s just scaled down. I can add as many pages as I like. Right now I have many of the existing pages closed. Since there are so few of us these days. I am actually thinking of inviting others to come join. This is the kind of place you can say what you like and not be ridiculed. I own the site so I can kick any intruders off. Hey I’d like to see your mini.
Do you know how to post pictures, you can do that here.
Did you get my email address? It’ll be easier
to do a real time chat. It’s on the page that says Wise Chat Window, it’s really cool.
By the way, my name is really Marlene. 😊
You’re still “mom” to me. LOL
I met Mouse on Raw Story. I am thinking there might be others who would like a place like this with no replebes to bother them.
Tbh, I will rejoice the day he dies. He has done so much harm to this country it’s inexcusable. Remember when they kept accusing Obama of being divisive, Drumpf got him beat a million fold.
Hi Mouse! I’m the elder offspring of Marlie. 🙂
I pop in from time to time. But I work two jobs, so it’s difficult.
Things are already expensive here. We were already getting an influx of “refugees” from Idaho, but they’re only poisoning the blood of Eastern Washington, so they can stay there!
Really have you seen more people than usual showing up in Ea.Wa?
Would I qualify as a “youngster?”
Yes, of course! You are ‘the’ youngster, 😜
Evening all. Seems to be quiet here for a bit but wanted to say hello and I am alive.
Hello Trace. Glad to hear from you, and very happy to
hear you are alive. Have you finished all the clean up
work you needed to do. We are finally having cooler
temperatures. It’s been down right pleasant the last few
Hi guys! How is everyone?
Good morning Sal. We’re doing good here. The weather
has finally cooled to tolerable levels, looking forward to
some rain.
How are you and yours faring?
Hi there, just cking in after a long break. Been busy with workers, the only thing left is the fence and that will be taken care of next week. FINALLY.
Good morning Trace. We’ve been a bit busy ourselves.
Getting the house and garden ready for winter. The
weather has finally broken here.
Metro bus hijacked in L.A. one of the wildest chases you will ever see.
Wow, that was interesting. It looked like the entire police department was on the scene.
LA Metro has had a lot of incidents lately when I took it to college about a decade ago I didn’t felt unsafe at all even during the evenings when I was coming home. The homeless population here has also exploded since then so you have people who are mentally ill or on drugs being belligerent to bus operators and passengers. I think it’s going to get worse before it gets better.
I am ambivalent about people who are homeless.
The causes are many. I don’t think it’s a solvable
problem considering as I said the causes are few
too numerous. I have met more than a few over
the years and I have to say the ones I feel for most
are the ones with no family caring about them and
their well being. Some were drug addicts who spent
their entire time trying to stay high. As you say
it will probably get worse before it gets better.
The main driving force behind homelessness here is the absurd rent. You have shoe boxes with broken pipes that cost 2k minimum for a one bedroom. Substance abuse is an issue but if you tackle the root cause which is the housing crisis that can curb drug use. Studies have shown that four months is the typical window that a homeless person has before they become susceptible to alcoholism and drug use. L.A. politics on the surface may seem tame because it hasn’t had notorious scandals like Chicago or New York but it’s very dirty behind the scenes.
Excellent assessment Sal. I agree that
housing costs are through the roof.
In the area here where I live, there is a plan
being put forth that would allow property owners,
who have fairly good sized lots,
to build a small/tiny home with stipulations.
But here’s the rub, those people who own acres
are saying no way. Even though it would
mean extra income for them. We don’t have
a homeless problem around here mainly
because we unincorporated. The problem
is also many large corporations buy up new houses in developments that might be
affordable but the buyers charge excessive
amounts for rent. I like the Harris plan to
build more affordable housing but they would
have to extra vigilant to keep special interest
groups from swooping in. Arizona have been
the target of many of these entities. Too bad
more emphasis is not placed on them and
the damage they are causing.
Bengals are 0-3 to start the season {sad tiger noises}
So, instead of a mighty roar it’s a weak me-ouch😀
Me-ouch indeed! We’re in a tough division too and the hole we dug ourselves in is huge.
It’s not looking good my friend. It’s okay to keep
rooting for a favorite team. I rooted for the Warriors
for years, not so much now though.
Warriors like the Lakers have an aging superstar who can still perform at an elite level but can’t carry the team on his back anymore. I’m ready for basketball this offseason felt so long!
Is Lebron still playing this year? Wonder
why? There’s nothing left to prove. Hope
he doesn’t continue until his knees are
Marls! The Lakers drafted his son in the second round they’ll be the first father-son duo to play in league history! LeBron will be 40 this December and even though he’s not as explosive as he was 3-4 years ago he’s still one of the top 5 players. It would be awesome if the Lakers can win one more ring with him but they need a strong bench and versatile role players. I think LeBron wants to win one more ring so he can retire with at least 5 but I also think he’s proud of what he’s accomplished and wants to play until his body tells him it’s officially time to hang them up. When he retires it’s going to feel very strange watching basketball as he was the bridge between 2000s and 2010s basketball. I’m very fortunate to have witnessed his career that 2016 Finals Series was the most epic I’ve ever seen and I think it won’t be matched for a very long time.
Good morning Sal. That is an interesting move
bringing Lebron’s son to the team.
Do you think they will actually play him or
use him as trade bait? I see your point
about obtaining 5 rings championship
rings but to honest, I don’t understand why.
It reminds me of when Boxers win multiple
belts in different weight classes but the ‘
difference is they can achieve that feat in
a lot fewer years. If his goal is to win 5
rings then I wish him luck.
Fly Eagles Fly….