Lol, that’s pretty funny, make sure you they don’t lick
themselves because they smell so good. So far we
don’t have the same problems with Winston as we did
with ‘Max’ he doesn’t lick his paws incessantly.
Hello Sal. I am doing okay. Had a dental appointment
yesterday that was a little more painful than usual, I had
an abscessed tooth. My hygienist did a deep cleaning.
Odd, it didn’t hurt much until she used the laser to
cauterize the affected area. What fun, huh?
Happy Saturday Sal. I have to say I was shocked when
the abscess burst, I was not expecting to see that much
blood. I am all better now. Yeah, the laser was a trip. I
have had it done before but this time it hurt.
How’s your Saturday going? I have a new laptop. I am
still familiarizing myself with it.
I heard from HB she is as busy as always. She might
stop in one day.
Morning Sal. We spent the weekend battling
ants. They are persistent little buggers.
My gums are much better. I have gum disease
so it is a constant chore staying ahead of
whatever problem pops up.
Did I mention last time that HB’s daughter is
getting married?
That’s great you quit smoking Trace. I wish that
quitting smoking could help me with my gums but
gum disease tends to run in my family. All they
seem to be able to do is to keep deep cleaning
every 3 months. I guess I shouldn’t complain too
much I still have my teeth.
Implants are amazing but I have to be extra careful to clean my gums around
mine. I recently had an abscess develop
that was filled with blood. It was bigger than I knew. All better now, I went to the dentist the day after it burst, lucky me!
tracey marie
9 months ago
Okay, we will have 4 plus days of sun and no rain. Hubs finished re cleaning all the mess. 3-50 mph winds for 7 hours. Pretty scary so many tornadoes around us as well. Texas really has terrible weather
Hello Trace. You’re right you guys are having some
weather. I think our last storm has come and gone
until Autumn. Too bad you love your house so much
that moving is not an option.
Sal, the weather here has been great, temps in the
80’s. We will be having cooler temps after tomorrow,
back into the 70’s which is okay. I like high 70’s better
than 80’s.
tracey marie
10 months ago
Finally, 2 days of sun and no wind. Going to get my courtyard in order. Clean it, and set it up to stay beautiful. I sprayed the umbrellas to get rid of the dirt and mold, I will now scrub the bricks and pick up the newest debris. We will get hard rain again after the 2 days, but the clean up will prevent it from looking messy.
Morning Trace. We have just about gotten all the tree
trimming and debris(from last rain) cleaned up. Last
week we had our front porch epoxied, like the garages,
it turned out very nice. Funny thing, now the delivery
people wont come on the porch, they leave packages
on the chair closest to the gate, it’s kind of cute really.
When does your rainy season end, or does it? I think
we have seen the last of rain here for a couple of months.
10 months ago
Hi guys! I’m excited for my incense that’s coming tomorrow!
Hi Marls! I have Chinese, Japanese, and Indian incense. Chinese incense has an earthy and spicy scent, Japanese incense is subtle, and Indian incense is very sweet and pronounced. I light them depending on my mood. Tomorrow I’m getting a variety pack. I bought my mom beauty cream! How was your Mother’s Day?
My day was like most days for me. I pick and
choose what I want to do. I spoke to both of
my girls, had a nice dinner and watched a show
I have been following. All very pleasant until I
discovered this swelling on my arm from a bug
bite, grrr!
That’s quite a sampling you have coming, sounds
great. I can’t burn too much incense in the house
but I really like to burn it outside, who knows, maybe
it could drive away the biting insects.
Their is a scented incense, it repels bugs and you can choose your scent, it is light but effective. I have an outdoor fan hanging against the wall, I use that to keep the bugs off of me.
I lit up coffee and maple syrup today the smell was amazing! I ordered from Huacense they’re a Chinese company. The sticks last a good 40 minutes and don’t produce black smoke.
Coffee and maple syrup that sounds
interesting. I can’t help but wonder
how it smells. I am seriously thinking
of buying incense to chase away the
You can get HEM lemon incense for the bugs if you plan to burn them outdoors. It’s an Indian brand so the scent is very strong and should keep the bugs away. I think eucalyptus is another bug repellent.
Amazon! I’ll email you the link in a bit. It is a strong incense but if you’re burning it outside the smell shouldn’t be an issue. I can also send you a link to eucalyptus incense too.
I love Asian food. Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese,
doesn’t matter I love them all. I never really
cottoned to Denny’s or Jack In The Box or
even MacDonald’s. Well except for their fish,
but that all changed when I developed a fish
We will have 2 days of sun, looking forward to the drying out. Then we get 2 days of torrential rain. Sigh.
tracey marie
10 months ago
The monsoon of 9 days is gone. Now the excessive heat and humidity has begun. I never thought I would say this but I look forward to our hot/dry summer. On the other hand my plants are huge and the blooms are gorgeous.
Nine days that must have been nerve wracking.
Today has been a high wind day, really blustery.
One of our younger trees cracked at the base.
I am not sure what I want to replace it with, maybe
another Red Bud.
Your garden sounds beautiful. We had just about
gotten everything set back up and now the wind
has strewn debris all over.
Terrible to hear about a tree breaking, we plant and nature says….look out! The ground is too soggy to plant a few more things so I will wait. More rain in a few days, so hopefully next week.
What’s really strange is the trunk was half dead.
We thought it was healthy but it never thrived. It
looks as though it was just a matter of time before
it perished.
Good idea to wait for the ground to dry out more.
Most plants don’t like their roots being soggy.
Really, hmm, I might give them a try. I love
pancakes and waffles but I rarely eat them.
Eating was a lot more fun before I found out
about diabetes and all the multitude of ailments
the human body can suffer.
It’s been raining here all day, what is this, this is
Cali, we’re not supposed to have rain in May, is
it climate change or global warming at work? :wpds_shutmouth:
Hey you! Did you guys get any rain?
It was sunny here as well, bit windy
though. Today was our busy day. It
was a do chores day. There is always
something that needs doing.
Flooded? Oh my! Did the flooding affect your
area? We have always been fortunate not to
have been caught in a flood. Believe it or not,
the closest we came was when we lived in the
high desert in Nevada.
Yes it did, it was horrendous. In the far back reaches of my neighborhood where the river is and the ground is very low, lower then the river bed. The remaining flood homes were under water, 2 story homes had mainly roof and chimneys above it. They need to be torn down and not allowed to rebuild.
I recall you mentioned the flooding
a couple years back. Did they rebuild
that area or were they dissuaded to do
so. It sounded like low laying land which
if not back filled properly will tend to
be susceptible to flooding. Out side
of Sacramento there is an area like that.
They use it to grow rice and mosquitos.
Last edited 10 months ago by Marlie
10 months ago
Hi guys! Been working back at my old job! Good to be home.
Hi Marlie! How are things in your neck of the woods? I’m not sure if I told you this but my apartment didn’t allow pets so I had to visit my mom during the weekends to see Pinky and Snow White. You’d think that LA would have a lot of pet friendly apartments but they’re few and far in between. I’m happy that I can be with them everyday now. I had the best broccoli beef today!
Actually I thought you had the birds with you.
I am not surprised by the no pets rule. Many places
once allowed people to own pets on their
property but unfortunately there were those who
did not clean up after their pets. There was a
house for sale in my old neighborhood that no
body wanted to buy. turns out, the tenants who
were renting the place had cats. Apparently the
cats pissed all over the house and it stunk of
urine. The owners had to have entire rooms re-
sheet rocked before it finally sold.
I am sad to say that one of my brothers recently
passed away. He was my mentor when I was
young, he taught me a lot.
I’m very sorry Marlie my deepest condolences. My aunt passed away in December, she was like a mother figure to me. If you ever feel like you need someone to lend an ear you can send me an email anytime.
It’s hard to lose a loved one. I am coping.
I know it may sound strange
but I don’t think I ever saw him as
getting old and passing away. He
was 75 so I am happy to have had
him for so many years.
Thanks for the offer. I might take you
up on it. Hope you know you can do the same.
How is your mom? Doing well, I hope.
My mom is doing good, after my aunt passed away I wanted to spend as much as I could with her so I decided to move back. She’s happy that I’m with her.
That’s great Sal. It cuts down on your
commute, right? Do you seeing some
of your past students? Must be nice
to return to familiar surroundings.
tracey marie
10 months ago
Watched the sun come up, hard rain and severe lightening storms. One giant bolt hit the wooded area behind me, smoke from the tree scorched. I found strips of bark from 2 pines and one other large tree. Need to get an arborist to help save them. the pines are over 100′ tall, part of the old pine forests and the other is only slightly smaller. I can’t lose these trees. Still raining and flooding will happen , we will not flood but the San Jacinto river will flood the parks up front and the bridge out will be closed
Whoa, that sounds like quite some weather happening.
Sounds like a hurricane with all that sound and fury.
We are expecting some rain this weekend probably
wont be as spectacular as your storm. Hope the trees
will be okay. I am sure you will do what you can to
save them.
You were in Austin visiting? I didn’t know.
Was it a fun trip with lots of conversation
and vino?
Sad news for us. My oldest brother died
last week, very sad.
Morning Trace. Yes, it is hard, very hard
to lose family members. Our
original family has shrunk down to
two for now.
I’ve been meaning to ask. How is
your family doing these days?
It is Texas, that is what they call them. This place is huge in a semi rural area. Beautiful property, rolling hills even a playground for children. They are open during the day. On weekend nights they bring in bands. Rod Stewart cover band in a rural redneck are. Have to love it.
Sounds like an interesting place. I have some family in Texas. Some have adapted to the cowboy way mentality.
Interesting because they were all born in California.
I do not have the cowboy mentality at all. We went just because, not that we cared about the music. 3 couples and we have not been all together in 3 years. If was goofy and fun and the people were very nice.
Lol, of course you haven’t adapted,
I wouldn’t expect you to, we’ve chatted
for years, I always think of you as a
northerner even though you have been
in Texas for years. Oddly, I still think
of myself as a Virginian. I have been
on the west coast for 50 of my 72
years. Strange, isn’t it?
Last edited 10 months ago by Marlie
10 months ago
Greetings from a gray area. I can’t believe it’s raining hard in April!
It’s overcast, but the sun is still out. I suppose this is the time of year where the Cullen vampire family flees Washington and hides out in Brazil during their winter time (Twilight book reference 🙂 )
It’s great you got in contact with the cuzzins again. I look forward to hear from him.
And I figured our why my tablet isn’t jumping to recent comments – I don’t even have that panel available.
As if I would have any idea about the Cullen family.
I watched the movies but,
I don’t recall much about any of them.
So maybe your screen isn’t wide enough?
The only movie I saw from beginning to end was the first one, and it took me 4 tries. The first book was good, but the other three got gradually worse.
Ann Rice was the best writer about vampires…period.
I was thinking that the summers must be
pretty mild there. Hopefully Canada doesn’t
have a major burn like last year. Maybe the kitties are like me, they want to watch the sun come up catch
some morning bird song.
Last edited 10 months ago by Marlie
10 months ago
Been sick the last few days, right when spring is starting to spring here. YUCK!
Good morning. I thought you were starting full time
this week. Was there a change in plans? I’ve been
adding to the site the last couple of days. Check out
the beautiful gardens on the left. I am thinking
of adding pictures of our yard.
Nothing has changed. Can’t go full time until Mary leaves, which is this coming Wednesday. When I go to work on Friday, someone from HR will come to my site and make it official.
UGH! Yesterday was 98 degrees, medium humidity and heat indice of 112. Today it will feel like 117.
Wow, that’s terrible! Keep cool my friend, sheesh!
My pups have been itching and have dry skin and hair. I bought a new shampoo, aloe and oatmeal. Now they smell like pina coladas.
Lol, that’s pretty funny, make sure you they don’t lick
themselves because they smell so good. So far we
don’t have the same problems with Winston as we did
with ‘Max’ he doesn’t lick his paws incessantly.
Hi guys! How’s everyone doing?
Hello Sal. I am doing okay. Had a dental appointment
yesterday that was a little more painful than usual, I had
an abscessed tooth. My hygienist did a deep cleaning.
Odd, it didn’t hurt much until she used the laser to
cauterize the affected area. What fun, huh?
Hi Marls! Sorry I’m seeing this late I accidentally turned off notifications. Laser was used? Sounds cool! Except for the pain part.
Happy Saturday Sal. I have to say I was shocked when
the abscess burst, I was not expecting to see that much
blood. I am all better now. Yeah, the laser was a trip. I
have had it done before but this time it hurt.
How’s your Saturday going? I have a new laptop. I am
still familiarizing myself with it.
I heard from HB she is as busy as always. She might
stop in one day.
My Saturday was alright! Me and mom did some grocery shopping. Can you not eat solid food for a few days? Nice to hear HB is well!
Morning Sal. We spent the weekend battling
ants. They are persistent little buggers.
My gums are much better. I have gum disease
so it is a constant chore staying ahead of
whatever problem pops up.
Did I mention last time that HB’s daughter is
getting married?
ll yea for a marriage coming up
I forgot when she said it’s happening.
My daughter is celebrating her one
year anniversary this week.
Sorry to hear this marlie. I have had that done, quitting smoking has made my gums much healthier and no more pain or fear of losing teeth.
That’s great you quit smoking Trace. I wish that
quitting smoking could help me with my gums but
gum disease tends to run in my family. All they
seem to be able to do is to keep deep cleaning
every 3 months. I guess I shouldn’t complain too
much I still have my teeth.
I lost 2 and had implants put in
Implants are amazing but I have to be extra careful to clean my gums around
mine. I recently had an abscess develop
that was filled with blood. It was bigger than I knew. All better now, I went to the dentist the day after it burst, lucky me!
Okay, we will have 4 plus days of sun and no rain. Hubs finished re cleaning all the mess. 3-50 mph winds for 7 hours. Pretty scary so many tornadoes around us as well. Texas really has terrible weather
Hello Trace. You’re right you guys are having some
weather. I think our last storm has come and gone
until Autumn. Too bad you love your house so much
that moving is not an option.
We’re having partly cloudy weather here!
Sal, the weather here has been great, temps in the
80’s. We will be having cooler temps after tomorrow,
back into the 70’s which is okay. I like high 70’s better
than 80’s.
Finally, 2 days of sun and no wind. Going to get my courtyard in order. Clean it, and set it up to stay beautiful. I sprayed the umbrellas to get rid of the dirt and mold, I will now scrub the bricks and pick up the newest debris. We will get hard rain again after the 2 days, but the clean up will prevent it from looking messy.
Morning Trace. We have just about gotten all the tree
trimming and debris(from last rain) cleaned up. Last
week we had our front porch epoxied, like the garages,
it turned out very nice. Funny thing, now the delivery
people wont come on the porch, they leave packages
on the chair closest to the gate, it’s kind of cute really.
When does your rainy season end, or does it? I think
we have seen the last of rain here for a couple of months.
Hi guys! I’m excited for my incense that’s coming tomorrow!
Evening Sal. What kind of incense are you expecting?
Did you treat your mom for Mother’s Day?
Hi Marls! I have Chinese, Japanese, and Indian incense. Chinese incense has an earthy and spicy scent, Japanese incense is subtle, and Indian incense is very sweet and pronounced. I light them depending on my mood. Tomorrow I’m getting a variety pack. I bought my mom beauty cream! How was your Mother’s Day?
My day was like most days for me. I pick and
choose what I want to do. I spoke to both of
my girls, had a nice dinner and watched a show
I have been following. All very pleasant until I
discovered this swelling on my arm from a bug
bite, grrr!
That’s quite a sampling you have coming, sounds
great. I can’t burn too much incense in the house
but I really like to burn it outside, who knows, maybe
it could drive away the biting insects.
Their is a scented incense, it repels bugs and you can choose your scent, it is light but effective. I have an outdoor fan hanging against the wall, I use that to keep the bugs off of me.
I keep forgetting to get some. We have
the electric bug zappers, they work ok
but apparently the ones who survive the
trap find me irresistible, grrr.
Bugs hate lemon and peppermint!
I lit up coffee and maple syrup today the smell was amazing! I ordered from Huacense they’re a Chinese company. The sticks last a good 40 minutes and don’t produce black smoke.
Coffee and maple syrup that sounds
interesting. I can’t help but wonder
how it smells. I am seriously thinking
of buying incense to chase away the
You can get HEM lemon incense for the bugs if you plan to burn them outdoors. It’s an Indian brand so the scent is very strong and should keep the bugs away. I think eucalyptus is another bug repellent.
Where can you get HEM. Can you link me?
Every year I go through this, it’s pretty damn
Amazon! I’ll email you the link in a bit. It is a strong incense but if you’re burning it outside the smell shouldn’t be an issue. I can also send you a link to eucalyptus incense too.
That’s great Sal, thank you. I’ll put in an
order asap.
Okay got it! I’ll give it a try!
Hi guys! Had a successful week at work. I’m going to celebrate by going to the No.1 China Buffet!
Morning Sal. Which one is that? Seems you are settling
back into your old routine effortlessly, is mom going too?
Marls! My mom doesn’t like Asian food which is too bad because she’s missing out on a lot. She likes Dennys though!
I love Asian food. Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese,
doesn’t matter I love them all. I never really
cottoned to Denny’s or Jack In The Box or
even MacDonald’s. Well except for their fish,
but that all changed when I developed a fish
you have always loved those chinese buffets
Hi Trace! Glad you outlasted the monsoon! Who is the cute doggie in your profile pic? I gorged myself on sesame chicken and fried rice yum yum!
Sorry I missed this and thank you. We never flood but the mess from the wind and rain is annoying, to say the least.
No problem Trace whenever we get winds in LA they leave all kind of debris. Been enjoying the overcast mornings and sunny afternoons.
We will have 2 days of sun, looking forward to the drying out. Then we get 2 days of torrential rain. Sigh.
The monsoon of 9 days is gone. Now the excessive heat and humidity has begun. I never thought I would say this but I look forward to our hot/dry summer. On the other hand my plants are huge and the blooms are gorgeous.
Nine days that must have been nerve wracking.
Today has been a high wind day, really blustery.
One of our younger trees cracked at the base.
I am not sure what I want to replace it with, maybe
another Red Bud.
Your garden sounds beautiful. We had just about
gotten everything set back up and now the wind
has strewn debris all over.
Terrible to hear about a tree breaking, we plant and nature says….look out! The ground is too soggy to plant a few more things so I will wait. More rain in a few days, so hopefully next week.
What’s really strange is the trunk was half dead.
We thought it was healthy but it never thrived. It
looks as though it was just a matter of time before
it perished.
Good idea to wait for the ground to dry out more.
Most plants don’t like their roots being soggy.
How’s your bird?
she is wonderful to me and still vicious to hubs.
Wow, Trace! How old is she now?
Us girls have to stick together right
regardless of the species.
35 years old, amazing isn’t it. Domesticated can live 20 more years, in the wild 20 years
Yes, that is amazing! Is she in good
condition? That’s a good long life for
a bird. I am sure she has been well
cared for by you.
I’m going to Trader Joe’s tomorrow!
What’s on your shopping list? They are a bit
expensive, in my opinion but they have such
a wide variety of everything you just have to
go there.
They have these new mini Dutch pancakes in their freezer section. Must try! I love their apple blossoms with tea.
Really, hmm, I might give them a try. I love
pancakes and waffles but I rarely eat them.
Eating was a lot more fun before I found out
about diabetes and all the multitude of ailments
the human body can suffer.
For some reason Diabetes is not an issue , no one I know in my family has it
Fortunately, I don’t have diabetes, but
it is something that others in my family
has been plagued with.
Today is Cinco De Mayo, lets celebrate!!
It’s been raining here all day, what is this, this is
Cali, we’re not supposed to have rain in May, is
it climate change or global warming at work? :wpds_shutmouth:
Send some down here please! I can use the car wash.
Okay, watch for it, it’s coming your way.
I think this may be the last we see until
the end of summer.
It was bright and sunny here today! Complete opposite of yesterday. How was your Sunday Marls?
Hey you! Did you guys get any rain?
It was sunny here as well, bit windy
though. Today was our busy day. It
was a do chores day. There is always
something that needs doing.
Texas flooded, I win!
Flooded? Oh my! Did the flooding affect your
area? We have always been fortunate not to
have been caught in a flood. Believe it or not,
the closest we came was when we lived in the
high desert in Nevada.
Yes it did, it was horrendous. In the far back reaches of my neighborhood where the river is and the ground is very low, lower then the river bed. The remaining flood homes were under water, 2 story homes had mainly roof and chimneys above it. They need to be torn down and not allowed to rebuild.
I recall you mentioned the flooding
a couple years back. Did they rebuild
that area or were they dissuaded to do
so. It sounded like low laying land which
if not back filled properly will tend to
be susceptible to flooding. Out side
of Sacramento there is an area like that.
They use it to grow rice and mosquitos.
Hi guys! Been working back at my old job! Good to be home.
Morning Sal. I figured you were busy with the move and
all. So are you all settled back in. How do the birdies like their new place?
Hi Marlie! How are things in your neck of the woods? I’m not sure if I told you this but my apartment didn’t allow pets so I had to visit my mom during the weekends to see Pinky and Snow White. You’d think that LA would have a lot of pet friendly apartments but they’re few and far in between. I’m happy that I can be with them everyday now. I had the best broccoli beef today!
Actually I thought you had the birds with you.
I am not surprised by the no pets rule. Many places
once allowed people to own pets on their
property but unfortunately there were those who
did not clean up after their pets. There was a
house for sale in my old neighborhood that no
body wanted to buy. turns out, the tenants who
were renting the place had cats. Apparently the
cats pissed all over the house and it stunk of
urine. The owners had to have entire rooms re-
sheet rocked before it finally sold.
I am sad to say that one of my brothers recently
passed away. He was my mentor when I was
young, he taught me a lot.
I’m very sorry Marlie my deepest condolences. My aunt passed away in December, she was like a mother figure to me. If you ever feel like you need someone to lend an ear you can send me an email anytime.
It’s hard to lose a loved one. I am coping.
I know it may sound strange
but I don’t think I ever saw him as
getting old and passing away. He
was 75 so I am happy to have had
him for so many years.
Thanks for the offer. I might take you
up on it. Hope you know you can do the same.
How is your mom? Doing well, I hope.
My mom is doing good, after my aunt passed away I wanted to spend as much as I could with her so I decided to move back. She’s happy that I’m with her.
I think that’s great you are with her.
Plus, you have your work, sounds
good for all concerned.
Yes all of the schools I sub for are close by to me!
That’s great Sal. It cuts down on your
commute, right? Do you seeing some
of your past students? Must be nice
to return to familiar surroundings.
Watched the sun come up, hard rain and severe lightening storms. One giant bolt hit the wooded area behind me, smoke from the tree scorched. I found strips of bark from 2 pines and one other large tree. Need to get an arborist to help save them. the pines are over 100′ tall, part of the old pine forests and the other is only slightly smaller. I can’t lose these trees. Still raining and flooding will happen , we will not flood but the San Jacinto river will flood the parks up front and the bridge out will be closed
Whoa, that sounds like quite some weather happening.
Sounds like a hurricane with all that sound and fury.
We are expecting some rain this weekend probably
wont be as spectacular as your storm. Hope the trees
will be okay. I am sure you will do what you can to
save them.
Greetings from the nice and warm PacNW. Finally made it to my days off!
It was really nice here today. Rain on Saturday, phooey!
Stay safe Trace!
Ok…the avatar I had reverted back to the Kraken logo. I don’t know what happened with my Mariners avatar
When you changed your name it didn’t recognize you.
Which one do you prefer. The avatar matches the name.
t is all good Marlie, came back yesterday picked up the dogs. Now it is back to normal. Austin with friends is always nice.
You were in Austin visiting? I didn’t know.
Was it a fun trip with lots of conversation
and vino?
Sad news for us. My oldest brother died
last week, very sad.
Oh Marlie, I am so very sorry.
Thank you Trace. It’s been hard to
accept his passing but I am coming
to grips with it. Matter of fact today
would have been his 76th birthday.
How awful for your family. Hard to lose a sibling and stay sane.
Morning Trace. Yes, it is hard, very hard
to lose family members. Our
original family has shrunk down to
two for now.
I’ve been meaning to ask. How is
your family doing these days?
we drank whiskey and scotch, ate out and went dancing in a nicely built honky tonk
Honky Tonk that’s a word/s I rarely
hear. Whiskey and Scotch, whooo,
sounds like hangover city to me.
It is Texas, that is what they call them. This place is huge in a semi rural area. Beautiful property, rolling hills even a playground for children. They are open during the day. On weekend nights they bring in bands. Rod Stewart cover band in a rural redneck are. Have to love it.
Sounds like an interesting place. I have some family in Texas. Some have adapted to the cowboy way mentality.
Interesting because they were all born in California.
I do not have the cowboy mentality at all. We went just because, not that we cared about the music. 3 couples and we have not been all together in 3 years. If was goofy and fun and the people were very nice.
Lol, of course you haven’t adapted,
I wouldn’t expect you to, we’ve chatted
for years, I always think of you as a
northerner even though you have been
in Texas for years. Oddly, I still think
of myself as a Virginian. I have been
on the west coast for 50 of my 72
years. Strange, isn’t it?
Greetings from a gray area. I can’t believe it’s raining hard in April!
I don’t know where you live, but it sounds like Texas, rain all the time except in summer.
We should be so lucky here.
I live 40 minutes outside of Seattle
Did you try what I suggested?
Ha, why are you surprised, it is the Pacific North
west after all.
I spoke to J3 yesterday.
It’s overcast, but the sun is still out. I suppose this is the time of year where the Cullen vampire family flees Washington and hides out in Brazil during their winter time (Twilight book reference 🙂 )
It’s great you got in contact with the cuzzins again. I look forward to hear from him.
And I figured our why my tablet isn’t jumping to recent comments – I don’t even have that panel available.
As if I would have any idea about the Cullen family.
I watched the movies but,
I don’t recall much about any of them.
So maybe your screen isn’t wide enough?
Yeah that’s the problem. The screen isn’t wide enough.
What might help is that you scroll all
the way down past the comments.
The only movie I saw from beginning to end was the first one, and it took me 4 tries. The first book was good, but the other three got gradually worse.
Ann Rice was the best writer about vampires…period.
You’re right Anne was the best. I had/
have a lot of her books.
Happy Saturday peeps!
Good morning! Been up since 5 a.m. 🙂
Morning! I got up around 5:45.
It’s just getting light here. I love Spring!
Spring and summers here are always nice. Downside is that the cats know it’s spring too, and they want to be on the balcony at 4 a.m.
I was thinking that the summers must be
pretty mild there. Hopefully Canada doesn’t
have a major burn like last year. Maybe the kitties are like me, they want to watch the sun come up catch
some morning bird song.
Been sick the last few days, right when spring is starting to spring here. YUCK!
Oh, that’s too bad. I have been sneezing quite
a bit myself. We’ve been working outside. The
weather is great not too..anything.
Happy monday morning! Had a great day relaxing yesterday. Looking for more of the same (peace and relaxation) until Friday!
Good morning. I thought you were starting full time
this week. Was there a change in plans? I’ve been
adding to the site the last couple of days. Check out
the beautiful gardens on the left. I am thinking
of adding pictures of our yard.
Nothing has changed. Can’t go full time until Mary leaves, which is this coming Wednesday. When I go to work on Friday, someone from HR will come to my site and make it official.
Oh, okay. I must have gotten the weeks
mixed up.
More time to hang with the kitties, right?
The boys are already bored with me. They know I don’t let them get away with things the hubby does. 🙂
Hey you, what’sssss up?
I know what you mean, mine is
the same way. Enjoying yourself
or are you getting bored too.
Good morning peeps!
Happy Sunday!
Another test today of some minor trouble with the top tight corner of the page.
Dumb luck, huh? The problem seems to be solved.