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Well done Marls! You were able to break the photo size limit curse!


My favorite picture was the golden pagoda! It used to be a dive bar but closed several years ago. I’ll see if there’s any YouTube videos that have tutorials on how to reduce image sizes. I’d love to include the dragon mural too!


I can resend it again! I attached a lot of photos so I might have missed it but no worries if it can’t be shrunk I really appreciate you posting a decent amount of them on the site.

tracey marie

reat pictures Sal and happy birthday. Like marlie said, you are brightening up the place….and making me hungry


Guys! I decided to visit Chinatown with my uncle today! I had lunch at Full Moon House on Hill St and it was delightful! Endless jasmine tea served with your meal and the service was top notch for a Chinese restaurant. I ordered the hot spicy eggplant with garlic sauce and my uncle ordered Sichuan shrimp. We both shared our plates and they were super yummy! The eggplant had a nice umami flavor with onions, woodear mushroom, and ginger. The Sichuan shrimp was served on a bed of vibrant green broccoli. The shrimps were big and juicy. Portions were very generous so I took some leftovers home with me. When I came home I crashed on the bed!


Marls! Chinatown is one of the gems of LA! It isn’t very big being on the northern end of Downtown LA but its really fun to stroll along its two main streets. Most of the restaurants have been in business since the 70s and 80s. I recommend anyone visiting LA to check it out. We also passed through Koreatown today which is also a cool spot to check out but it can be a bit rough around the edges.

tracey marie

like marlie I am jealous, we have to drive for 45 minutes to find this kind of yummy food. most places here are over priced, the places down town are fair price and delicious.


Trace! Chinatown is a bit of a drive for me too as it’s 20 miles away from where I live but I’d happily make the trek every now and then. I hadn’t been there in several years so I went with my uncle to check it out. I think it’s one of the few places in L.A. that’s been fairly sheltered by gentrification as a lot of older Chinese residents still live there and there’s no hipster joints aside from Howlin Rays. Sometimes I wish I could live there as it’s very walkable and serviced by several bus lines. If you ever come to L.A. I highly recommend seeing it. Our Chinatown is the second oldest in the country after San Francisco’s. You can also ride on the world’s shortest railway Angel’s Flight in the Bunker Hill district in Downtown.


Hi guys! Notifications have been out of wack for me how is everyone doing? I had the best Panda Express lunch today!


Marls! I love Panda’s broccoli beef! On my birthday I’ll be going to Chinatown! I haven’t been there in a long time and I want to see how it’s weathered the pandemic. I’ll also buy almond cookies and shop for incense. Is it scorching where you are? LA has been warm but pleasant.


Marls! I like Kikkoman Sweet and Sour/Orange sauce for homemade Chinese. I’ve been having a craving for cream cheese wontons will see if they’re on the menu when I visit Chinatown. My favorite Dim Sum are the taro buns and egg tarts. Can I take pics of Chinatown and send them to you to post them here? When I try to upload something I get an error message saying my image is too big.


Awesome Marls! You’re the best!

tracey marie

I love the pics you took.

tracey marie

Feel good story.
I am an atheist. Today a christian church with many smaller branches all around came to our neighborhood to do Gods work. 75 people in our smallish neighborhood. My home is secure, but 18 large old growth trees cracked from the tornado, just twisted, peels and were down. They took out my fence. They cut, put out front for city pickup over half the mess, some trees were near wires so they trimmed the branches off.. They were going to rake up the rest of the mess, I stopped them. The leaders know I am an atheist, gods work does not care about that. I might have to rethink my beliefs.


It’s Friday, It’s Friday…Looking forward to the weekend…when I go back to work. (LOL!)


It’s been cooling down a bit, but Seattleites whine when the temps go anywhere above 60 degrees.

tracey marie

Hello all those who adore marlie. I have had a wild week. Hurricane that turned at the last second and walloped us with rain winds and tornadoes.We had a direct hit from a tornado as well. Lost 17 pines and magnolias over 115 ft tall. What a mess. still recovering and working with Insurance to get it done. So many people are worse of then us.


I guess I have to adore Marlie too 😆 

tracey marie

We had 2 huge Pines cut down today, Sad to lose such old and beautiful trees. Had to pay for it because all the damage around the area insurance is slow. I will be fully reimbursed. Now we need our fence replaced and the huge mess in the back. Pups have to go outside on leash


Hi guys! 30th birthday is about three weeks away. Marls and Trace I met you guys and the rest of the OG gang when I was 21!


Marls! I’m just seeing this comment notifications are showing up late. Or I probably need to clean up my inbox. We made LOTS of fun memories. Hard to believe it’s been almost a decade as I remember signing onto MP as if it were yesterday. 2015-16 was one heck of a time I wish I can relive it everyday!

tracey marie

Hello everyone, it is hot, sticky and afternoon rain, typical Texas weather. We re getting more serious about selling and moving out of state. Not sure where as of now. We would like to move closer to family, most live in Ct. and one couple in S.Carolina. Somewhere in between but not on the coast Tough to decide where to even look, I hate snow, heat we are used to and we want to be in the ‘burbs but close to a city. We can keep our Opera tickets and fly in when necessary. Hope everyone is well.

tracey marie

N Carolina is an option, Virginia is a state I love but the cost of living is outrageous.

tracey marie

I want to move closer to my sister and brother who live in Ct and S Carolina. S.C is to red for me.

tracey marie

I really miss my sister, we talk almost everyday. My niece and nephew and their children are in my heart. I need to be closer, I looked at homes on the Ct shore a couple look interesting


Congrats to the Florida Panthers for their first ever Stanley Cup! As a Kings fan it’s a great night to see the Oilers heartbroken!


Hi Marls! I went to the mall last weekend!


Wow just saw that Donald Sutherland passed away. Damn!


Yeah I know…but damn.
Still getting over Willie Mays’ passing, but he was a few years shy of 100.


Tell me about it!


Summer Solstice!


I go to my other job later today. Got an assignment!


If I leave Seattle at 8:30 p.m. I can make the bus that will take me home. Anytime after that I’m calling a Lyft and/or walking part of the way home




Hi guys! Mom is in Dallas visiting family and will be back Saturday night. I’ve been on a little Philly cheesesteak binge as of late. How is everyone?


Hi Marls! She said it’s OK LOL I wanted to go but I prefer having the birdies under my watch. Maybe in Nov/Dec I might go. I love Korean ramen especially Shin! It’s very spicy though even for someone who has a high spice tolerance like me. Their vegan version is mild though if you want to give it a try. Gomtang is a beef broth soup that’s very flavorful but they’re only sold in Korean markets, I haven’t seen other Asian markets carry them. I’m off for the summer! Got to enjoy every second of it.


Does Winston get any special treats for being a good boy? I have a slight preference for thicker noodles. Tajin is huge in LA and you can find restaurants serving it in unique ways. Will you be going to Virginia? Have fun!

tracey marie

well, the rain is coming back. I started a walk with the pups and turned back, started to drizzle but lightening, thunder and black clouds were moving fast. the next 3 days will be medium to heavy rain again. Next week will be the same.


My AAA insurance bill came today and for liability it’s gone up to $1,000 for a 24 year old car I don’t drive very much. I may have to bite the bullet since it’ll take a few weeks for another insurance policy to take effect but I am completely done with AAA and will be switching carriers mid-policy. CA needs to do SOMETHING.


Insurance is absolutely a racket! In what sane world would a car that’s a quarter century old cost $,1,000 for liability? It’s not a theft magnet like Hyundai or Kia and the parts on it are very cheap. I drive less than 10 miles a day. Yet my premium has gone up by $200 from last year! No accidents or tickets. This is how AAA rewards customers for their loyalty.

tracey marie

Marlie, liability is to cover if you hit someone.


I spoke with an agent on the phone and she said the premium increase is due to two things. CA lifted its freeze on insurance carriers raising rates during the pandemic and I drove more miles this year which is true. However, for a car as old as mine it shouldn’t have increased by THAT much.

tracey marie

LIability is to cover if you hit someone.


How much do you pay Trace? Curious.

tracey marie

Not much, I am old and drive less so it is an automatic low price. But we pay a bit more to make sure 2 of our 3 cars are well covered. One is a classic and the other is a mercedes. Low mileage on both …WE ARE OLD. lol

tracey marie

I am sorry about the floater. But we are getting older, we do not drive as much because we no longer work and we fly whenever we go somewhere if the drive is more then 3 hours.


It’s summertime!!! Yipee!!!!

Last edited 9 months ago by Marlie

If it ever got that hot here, people would explode 🙂


This is actually the first sunny day we’ve had in a couple of weeks. And I’m glad it’s happening on my days off


Guys! I’ve been on a Korean food binge as of late. Kimchi pancakes are a must try!


I love adding kimchi to ramen with a sunny side up egg! Kimchi is healthy because it contains probiotics. There’s a variety of pancakes in Korean cuisine called jeon. Very popular as a street food. Living in LA I have access to Korean markets and they have all sorts of yummy stuff in their hot food section! I pick up kimchi pancakes and fried squash cooked in an egg batter which is absolutely delicious. Korean food can be very rich and corn silk tea is a great way to wash it all down!


Evening Marls! Are there any Asian markets near you? If not I can send you the Amazon link for corn silk tea if you’re interested! It’s great for high blood pressure too. They’re also naturally caffeine free so you can enjoy it any time of the day. Living in LA I’ve had the privilege of trying great international cuisine! Next time I do my Korean market haul, I’ll post some pics.


Birds are doing great! Snow White has laid 14 eggs but they’re infertile. I’m amazed by how many eggs such a small bird has laid considering a lot of calcium is depleted in forming the eggs. She has a cuttlebone to replenish her calcium levels.


I wish I had an answer as to why she’s laying so many! They’re infertile because she hasn’t mated with a male of her own species. A canary and zebra finch are too far apart to produce any offspring. We’ve been having mostly overcast days here.

tracey marie

Ligers, tiger/lion.


I don’t know her biological age but I’ve had her for three years. Maybe she gets aroused by Pinky singing and that gets her sex hormones going? Male zebra finches attract mates through their singing so she might be thinking a male of her own species is looking for her.

tracey marie

y parrot lays eggs that are not fertilized. Does she have a toy she rubs against or nest making from her toys?


Hi Trace! I have a bell attached to the top of the cage that both Snow White and Pinky love to play with. Sometimes she likes to rip the cage liner as if she’s gathering material for a nest. I don’t have a nest for them, both sleep side by side on the top perch at night.


I give them a little toy elephant to play with sometimes. Pinky plays with it more than her but she’ll play with the belly of it.

tracey marie

You have 2 females


Pinky is a male canary! Female canaries can’t sing melodies.

tracey marie

excitement in general, toys she can rub against send her into over drive. Make sure she is getting tons of supplements to keep her happy


She likes apples and for an occasional treat I give her cookies!

tracey marie

Sal, there are special foods to give and supplements for birds during estrus. Add some to water and pellets in their food. Is this her first clutch, sometimes they are laid anyway.


She’s laid like close to 100 I’m not exaggerating! I’ve had her for three years. Good idea to supplement the cuttlebone with additional nutrient rich foods. I can’t post pics here because I keep getting a message that my images are too big but if you google white female zebra finch you’ll see exactly how she looks like!

tracey marie

They are pretty little birds. Advice, you might need to separate them when she is in estrus, to many eggs deplete her little body.

tracey marie

My area is part of the old growth pines and oaks. These storms have been hard on the area. I do not flood but the winds and lightening have been horrible


Hooray for the Florida Panthers for making it back to the Stanley Cup Finals! Trace must be jumping up and down with joy!

tracey marie

We have had some terrible weather. Huge wind gusts up to 60 mph, tree limbs coming down and 3 trees struck by lightening. One pine might be dying. Having an expert come in. The pine is well over 110 ft tall, just beautiful. We might lose it. I noticed dead branches and some brown at the crown.
The worst seems to be over. next 5-6 days limited wind/rain. Will have the horticulterist come back later this month

tracey marie

We have had strong storms and warnings with hail and worse for 6 weeks. Today and the next 4 days we should be humid, hot and limited to no rain or storms. It has been an ordeal for us and so many others for too long. The poor people who flooded have flooded again and again in some areas. So sad. 100 degrees so soon! I hope it holds off for us. feels like is not the same as IS 100 or higher.


Hi Marls! I turned on notifications so no more late replies!


Yup there’s very few assignments during the last week of the school year so I can start vacation early! Looking forward to sleeping in as I’m not a morning person!

tracey marie

I get up early as well most mornings. Make coffee and sit on the courtyard watching the day begin.

tracey marie

Hi Sal, I really do not care about sports.


Hi Trace! My mom is going to visit Dallas for a wedding in two weeks!