Marls! Virginia Tech is victorious over Old Dominion in the Battle Of The Commonwealth Go Hokies! I have a VT hat with the Hokie bird it’s one of my favorites in my collection!
A Hokie is a Turkey that’s native to Virginia! I love the maroon and orange colors very fall like! I had family that lived in Virginia they liked it there.
Ha! I never knew that about native Turkeys being
called Hokies. I can see why you like the colors,
they are similar to the Tiger in your avi. I still love
Virginia, I wish we hadn’t waited so long to try to
go back.
I am very familiar with the cities there.
You have Norfolk, Hampton, Chesapeake,
Portsmouth and Virginia Beach. Suffolk,
where my dad was born almost a hundred
years ago, is becoming a nice place to settle
where affordable housing can still be had.
Actually I have heard of people using sausage
and turkey, are you referring to stuffing? If so,
I believe I have done that myself at some point
in time.
Marls! I had a double cheeseburger and fries for lunch from a mom and pop joint it was otherworldly! The burger was so big it could barely fit in my hands!
You like teasing us about the fantastic food
in your area, don’t you? Speaking of burgers,
I saw a picture of a Big Mac past and present.
It’s so disheartening to see how it has changed
over the years. The original BM is twice the size
and half the cost of BM today. They really ought
to stop calling them BM because there really isn’t
anything big about them except perhaps the price.
Didn’t mean to brag! I hadn’t had a cheeseburger in ages so it tasted really good! Fries were cooked hot and fresh. As a California native I don’t get the hype over In N Out the burgers are on the small side and the fries are too thin and not crispy. Do you remember the Big n Tasty from McDonald’s way back when?
Ha! I was teasing you about the burger.
My husband is a pretty good griller, we
make our own burgers and they are heads
and shoulders beyond what we get from
the commercialized burger businesses.
Home grilled burgers are the best. I always have garlic and black pepper into the meat. YUM. If you like mushrooms cut them up smaller and put it right in the meat. Get fancy and mix it the night before to absorb the flavors.
We make what we call the everything but
the kitchen sink burgers. I like to add an
egg, bacon, bleu cheese and red onions
sometimes we grill them.
Another trick we’ve used is to put a wad
of cheese into the center of the meat instead
of on top.
Smash burgers are fun too. We only eat
beef once or twice a month, may as well
have fun with it.
See, me and your Husband have 2 things in common.
I like trying different condiments,
cheeses, and meats with my burger.
I’ve decided though that using other meats really
doesn’t do much for a burger.
Is it as good as Star Bucks? I brew my own
coffee. I had a free SB’s latte a few years
ago gave me the trots. For some reason
the person who bought it thought it was non
diary, it wasn’t!
Ten or so years ago I would get 7-11 coffee every morning on my way to community college. Always tasted fresh and it had a lovely aroma when you poured it from the drip container. I don’t know what happened to 7-11 coffee because it tastes bitter now. No matter how much I doctor it with flavored creamers and sugar it still tastes bitter. Sad because I used to be a frequent 7-11 customer.
6 months ago
Another day in L.A. another earthquake Magnitude 4.7 happened as I was asleep in bed.
Which do you think is worse the initial jolt
or the aftershocks? To me, the first jolt is
a surprise but the aftershocks are more
worrying, makes one’s stomach queasy.,
There hasn’t been any significant aftershocks with the recent waves we’ve had. Most of them have originated off Malibu or near the San Gabriel mountains. Bakersfield got a sizeable one last month too.
I suppose we are probably getting nearer
to having one. It’s been years since we’ve
had any shakes of substance. We did have
a 4 pointer last year but it barely raised any
Is it? I didn’t know that, what about humidity?
It’s always so dry here, I wish it wasn’t so.
I miss the Bay Area’s weather, we never suffered
through temperatures like we have here.
L.A.’s humidity is usually around 40% or so and with climate change L.A. will shift towards a more tropical climate pattern with warmer temps and rain. Today was not as hot as yesterday but real relief for us won’t be here until Tuesday.
Morning Sal. Unfortunately we have at least
3 more days of plus 100 degree weather.
I haven’t been able to spend much time
outdoors, seems unfair to spend hours and
hours getting it all set up but can’t enjoy it because
of the heat.
It’s the same for me here.
Talk about being shocked and amazed at
the same time.
We are having cooler temps but we won’t
get past the 80s and 90s until the end of the month,
I can’t wait.
Hi there, back on. The tree guys were here and cleaned up all the mess, cut up damaged trees and did a fantastic job. Next up my fence will be replaced , it is a wreck. Mark and a friend pushed the down parts into place, made it “secure”. It should be hauled away and a new one put up in about 3-5 weeks. Sigh. Our neighbor wants to pay half for the fence between our yards. He said it benefits us both and it is neighborly. Gotta love it.We did cut a tree down that “worried him. Limbs were over his electrical lines. He also has 2 trees the same thing….but his are fine in his mind. Oh well. He is a good neighbor and nice
It’s great that your neighbor has offered to
help pay for the repairs. We put in lattice
on top of our fence that separates us from
the neighbors, they bought this huge RV
that was very visible after claiming they
weren’t going to buy one. The cost was 3k
noy a peep out of them about helping with
the cost. They are in Texas now,
I don’t miss them one whit.
When our old neighbor cut down trees and shrubs, I put up 3 panels with tight lattice 10′ wide by 5 ‘high on large stakes into the ground. Covered with vines. My new neighbor is nice. The old assholes had to move and went to a senior living with medical care.
Temps are are finally ramping down.
We are not out of summer yet but it’s
definitely cooling at night.
6 months ago
Check engine light came on possibly need new cat ☹️Granted my car is 24 years old but it only has 108,777 miles on it. Runs fine and no weird noises or vibrations. Is there a time machine where I can go back and have my parents settle in San Francisco or New York where you don’t need a car?
Your dad’s car is almost as old as you are.
Is it a Mazda or a Toyota? 24 years is pretty
old for a car, you’re lucky to have gotten that
many years even with the low mileage.
Hi Marls it’s a Mazda gave me and my parents the end around on the CEL about eight years ago I would rant all day about it on MP LOL but it’s been a rock solid car. I had the O2 sensors replaced last year so hopefully it’s just the catalyst that may need to be replaced cat codes can come up for any number of reasons. If it is the cat I’ll just keep driving it as I don’t have to worry about smog for another year and save up for a used Chevy or Ford. I drive about 7-8 miles a day sometimes less than that. I live close by to grocery stores and Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf so I can walk if needed.
Yeah I remember some of your ‘rants’. They weren’t
too bad especially to those who owned cars that had
quit on them at one time or another. I’ve had it happen
to me. You have to consider yourself extremely lucky
because that car was built to last. Years ago I had a
Toyota like your car. I kept it for 18 years. When we
sold it, the engine was in great shape, it’s only real
problem was that the fabric had faded a bit. I wonder
if it is still running. It really is convenient to live near
shopping, we have to drive to get a dozen eggs.
Marls! I ordered a CARB compliant cat online and a muffler shop installed it for the cost of labor at a reasonable price. My car is running like a champ!
Does that mean you are going to give up
saving for a new ride? I have been looking
at 3 options to replace one of our current cars. I was thinking my husband will be 75
his next BD, something smaller than his current car will be more practical.
6 months ago
Doctor visit today.
1) Chronic asthmatic
2) High blood pressure (but not in danger of severe hypertension)
3) Possibly pre-diabetic
4) Have arthritis in both knees
Otherwise I’m 100% healthy and have no complaints!
Hey, you can like whatever you like, I am not
familiar with his work. I am old school. Here’s
a funny thought, Justin Beiber is fast becoming
old school for your generation, weird isn’t it?
Hi Marls! Yeah you can say that Justin was very popular in the early and mid 2010s. I don’t know what Gen Z which comes after us millennials listens to all I can say is that it shouldn’t be labeled as music.
Haha, tbh, I listen to very little music
these days. When I do I listen I prefer
contemporary Jazz and instrumentals.
There are some fantastic singers today
I’m sure, I just don’t listen to them unless
I happen upon something that catches
my interest.
That’s not much a downgrade my friend. Did you feel
it? I was in the Bay Area when we got rocked by the
big one. That was an experience I never want to relive.
Once was quite enough!
Good morning Sal. We had a busy weekend,
doing dis and dat. The heat is still with us but
we are supposed to be getting some relief some
time this week.
I love Korean food, actually I love anything that
is not your basic meat and potatoes.
Hi Marls! I picked up fried sole flounder from Hannam and had various banchan or veggie side dishes with it. The banchan are my favorite part of Korean food! I have a Korean tea which is made from scorched rice and the aroma and taste is lovely! I always brew a few cups in the evening.
Okay now I have heard it all, there is
such a thing as Hydrangea tea? Well
I suppose since there is Hibiscus Tea
and Dandelion Tea I shouldn’t be all that
surprised that there is tea made from Hydrangeas.
Enjoy the buffet! Your carefree days of
summer are shrinking then it’s back to
Let me know what you think if you do try it.
I love love love spicy foods, it’s my dad’s
fault. He used to cook for us when we were
kids, boy did he have a heavy hand when
it came to spicy up dishes. The only spice
I can’t handle, and don’t like, is Carolina
Creepers, those are the hottest peppers I
have ever tried and lived to tell about it😅
Do try it when you get a chance. Turnips
add a bit more bite than potatoes. I had
not used them in soups and stews before
but I did once when I didn’t have potatoes
on hand but I did have the turnips, they were
just as good as potatoes.
Morning Marlie and Sal
Been busy with clean up, finding someone to cut some trees…general hard work and high heat. We do manage to cook every nite, been making up recipes with hubs and they all turned out great. .
Hi Trace! There was a 5.3 magnitude earthquake near Bakersfield felt it here in L.A.
Last edited 7 months ago by Sal
7 months ago
“A politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn’t happen.”
How did my work day end today, you ask? …
One psychotic guy triggered a flurry of phone calls by the staff by dumping his underwear/clothes on the dining room table!
Nope…still don’t miss it. In Seattle they were doing the same crazy things out on the street or on the monorail. At least this time they’re in a controlled medical facility
Well okay then. Sorry, I am late, had some house
work to do. I guess the work environment at Ivar’s
became too much to stomach, so to speak.
7 months ago
Fun times at work today! A guy tried to escape the detox clinic by forcing his way through the nurse’s office, and in the process he knocked over one of the nurses. After he was talked into coming back in the building, he then stripped his bed and tried to take the bed sheets out the door.
After the second attempt, the nurses gave up on him and let him leave. Within a minute, he then went across the street and started pounding on a guy’s front door, demanding that he give him his car back (he didn’t have a car). We ended up calling the cops, and then they let him go after handcuffing him.
We have some real psychos that pass through those doors….and the Lynnwood police can really suck sometimes!
As I have said more than a few times. Seems there’s never
a dull moment at that place but when there is a dull moment
something happens to make it a lot less dull.
Freia’s pictures are on the left. The colors are really perky!
Morning Freia. I often say one of the
great things is life is that one can learn
something every day. I have never heard
of red pandas before. I looked them up
they look like a cross between a raccoon
and a fox with a dab of panda deep in their
Guys! I’m currently on a nostalgia binge watching COPS. I’ve seen episodes from L.A., San Bernardino, Sacramento, Fort Worth, and now I’m watching San Diego. Which city should I go to next? El Paso? Phoenix? Portland? Minneapolis?
OK Marls! I’ll watch Phoenix after finishing the San Diego series. After Phoenix I can hop over to El Paso and then Minneapolis. I hope I can find a St Louis series, most likely I can since it has a higher per capita crime rate than L.A.
Check out their L.A. series on YouTube. It’s from the early 90s and you can feel how gritty the city was back then. They counted Pomona as part of their San Bernardino series even though it’s on the outer eastern edge of L.A. County.
No, I never watched it, but I did watch
LA Law with Susan Dey. My dog Max
was born in San Bernadino, my husband
drove from Sparks Nevada to pick him up.
Yep, I haunted RS and a couple other
places. I met Trace an Gnu on Huff Post.
I am not sure where RG found Misty, he
was a regular on Epoch News so was
lally and HB.
Was The Intercept also another site you were active on? We had someone from New Mexico on MP who was active there I think her name was Ally or Allison?
No, I never heard of The Interception.
When Huff Post took on AOL posters then
tried to force users to open a FB account
a lot of people scattered to other sites.
Funny thing is Senior discounts don’t count
for much any more. So you don’t have that
much to look forward to.
I invited ‘F’ to visit the site to see how it
looks, she has been busy so I don’t know
when she might drop in.
Of course I do. I am 72, my daughter ttk is
51, so yeah I still think of you as ‘the kid’ 😀
tracey marie
7 months ago
We managed to save a Magnolia today, it slightly leaned so we cut heavy branches from the front, weighted and stake the tree and it looks like it will work. I am still crying over all my old growth magnolias, pine6 of the and other assorted trees. We will plant flowering trees and plants in the decimated area.
Hello Trace. We have a Magnolia that has maroon-ish colored
flowers. It’s a dwarf variety, it doesn’t grow many flowers per
year. It’s been in the ground for 6 plus years and it’s only about
Are you still wanting to move, if so, do you want to invest in more
I was just reading about Texas being one of the states where you
can buy vending machine bullets, wow, just wow.
America is getting scarier and scarier by the day.
Recently an ammunition store was broken into.
The thief made off with a large number of
weapons, guess they’re stocking up to start
their ill fated civil disobedience when drumpf
gets his azz handed to him after the election.
Tbh, I haven’t heard any more. He’s probably
the son of some mucky muck who felt like it
was his privilege to break into an arms store.
I’ll let you know if I hear more.
After the way the neighborhood and a bunch of small churches ran around the neighborhood with chain saws and 75 people, I do not know. They helped us quite a bit. I felt guilty because our house was fine.
I am glad your place came through relatively
unscathed. 75 people with chain saws, yikes!
Just kidding, we’ll at least they were trying to
do some good.
Marls! Virginia Tech is victorious over Old Dominion in the Battle Of The Commonwealth Go Hokies! I have a VT hat with the Hokie bird it’s one of my favorites in my collection!
Good morning Sal. Happy Sunday to you and yours.
My home town. Nice of you to follow the local teams.
Hokies? Why are they called Hokies?
A Hokie is a Turkey that’s native to Virginia! I love the maroon and orange colors very fall like! I had family that lived in Virginia they liked it there.
Ha! I never knew that about native Turkeys being
called Hokies. I can see why you like the colors,
they are similar to the Tiger in your avi. I still love
Virginia, I wish we hadn’t waited so long to try to
go back.
Marls! I’ll send you a photo of my VT hat. It’s a feisty Hokie bird! Steph Curry’s dad Dell Curry played basketball at VT!
That’ll be great, I add it to the collection
of sports hats we have on here.
Marls! There’s a town called Newport News in Virginia that’s a very intriguing name!
I am very familiar with the cities there.
You have Norfolk, Hampton, Chesapeake,
Portsmouth and Virginia Beach. Suffolk,
where my dad was born almost a hundred
years ago, is becoming a nice place to settle
where affordable housing can still be had.
I like a turkey stuffed with sausage and herbs
Actually I have heard of people using sausage
and turkey, are you referring to stuffing? If so,
I believe I have done that myself at some point
in time.
Yes I am, I call it green(herbs) sausage stuffing
Ah yes. I have made sausage stuffing coupled with wild rice, it was very good.
Trace did you see the Harris/Walz parade
of trucks in Texas today, what a sight to behold, Texas may yet turn blue. But I’d
settle for purple.
Hi Trace! I love Turkey tails because they’re juicy. Granted it’s mostly fat but tastes so good!
Marls! I had a double cheeseburger and fries for lunch from a mom and pop joint it was otherworldly! The burger was so big it could barely fit in my hands!
You like teasing us about the fantastic food
in your area, don’t you? Speaking of burgers,
I saw a picture of a Big Mac past and present.
It’s so disheartening to see how it has changed
over the years. The original BM is twice the size
and half the cost of BM today. They really ought
to stop calling them BM because there really isn’t
anything big about them except perhaps the price.
Didn’t mean to brag! I hadn’t had a cheeseburger in ages so it tasted really good! Fries were cooked hot and fresh. As a California native I don’t get the hype over In N Out the burgers are on the small side and the fries are too thin and not crispy. Do you remember the Big n Tasty from McDonald’s way back when?
Ha! I was teasing you about the burger.
My husband is a pretty good griller, we
make our own burgers and they are heads
and shoulders beyond what we get from
the commercialized burger businesses.
Home grilled burgers are the best. I always have garlic and black pepper into the meat. YUM. If you like mushrooms cut them up smaller and put it right in the meat. Get fancy and mix it the night before to absorb the flavors.
We make what we call the everything but
the kitchen sink burgers. I like to add an
egg, bacon, bleu cheese and red onions
sometimes we grill them.
Another trick we’ve used is to put a wad
of cheese into the center of the meat instead
of on top.
Smash burgers are fun too. We only eat
beef once or twice a month, may as well
have fun with it.
Same here beef 2 times monthly. Sounds good except the blue cheese. Never could handle the taste and scent. Hubs loves it
See, me and your Husband have 2 things in common.
I like trying different condiments,
cheeses, and meats with my burger.
I’ve decided though that using other meats really
doesn’t do much for a burger.
McDonald’s has good coffee for a fast food chain. You can tell it’s freshly brewed by the smell.
Is it as good as Star Bucks? I brew my own
coffee. I had a free SB’s latte a few years
ago gave me the trots. For some reason
the person who bought it thought it was non
diary, it wasn’t!
I hate star bucks coffee, to bitter for me. I buy fresh beans from HEB. I am a coffee snob
Trace! Sometimes I get an iced espresso from Starbucks with 3 pumps of caramel and 2% milk.
fast food restaurants have good coffee, not bitter but smooth.
Ten or so years ago I would get 7-11 coffee every morning on my way to community college. Always tasted fresh and it had a lovely aroma when you poured it from the drip container. I don’t know what happened to 7-11 coffee because it tastes bitter now. No matter how much I doctor it with flavored creamers and sugar it still tastes bitter. Sad because I used to be a frequent 7-11 customer.
Another day in L.A. another earthquake Magnitude 4.7 happened as I was asleep in bed.
Another earthquake, wow, I haven’t heard anything about
this latest one. That must have rattled you more than a bit.
Sure did! It lasted longer than the one we had last month.
Which do you think is worse the initial jolt
or the aftershocks? To me, the first jolt is
a surprise but the aftershocks are more
worrying, makes one’s stomach queasy.,
There hasn’t been any significant aftershocks with the recent waves we’ve had. Most of them have originated off Malibu or near the San Gabriel mountains. Bakersfield got a sizeable one last month too.
I suppose we are probably getting nearer
to having one. It’s been years since we’ve
had any shakes of substance. We did have
a 4 pointer last year but it barely raised any
September is here yay, can’t wait for this heat to break!
Marls! First half of September is always a scorcher in L.A.
Is it? I didn’t know that, what about humidity?
It’s always so dry here, I wish it wasn’t so.
I miss the Bay Area’s weather, we never suffered
through temperatures like we have here.
L.A.’s humidity is usually around 40% or so and with climate change L.A. will shift towards a more tropical climate pattern with warmer temps and rain. Today was not as hot as yesterday but real relief for us won’t be here until Tuesday.
Morning Sal. Unfortunately we have at least
3 more days of plus 100 degree weather.
I haven’t been able to spend much time
outdoors, seems unfair to spend hours and
hours getting it all set up but can’t enjoy it because
of the heat.
It’s fall-like here! Our recent heatwave was the WORST I’ve ever experienced.
It’s the same for me here.
Talk about being shocked and amazed at
the same time.
We are having cooler temps but we won’t
get past the 80s and 90s until the end of the month,
I can’t wait.
Hi there, back on. The tree guys were here and cleaned up all the mess, cut up damaged trees and did a fantastic job. Next up my fence will be replaced , it is a wreck. Mark and a friend pushed the down parts into place, made it “secure”. It should be hauled away and a new one put up in about 3-5 weeks. Sigh. Our neighbor wants to pay half for the fence between our yards. He said it benefits us both and it is neighborly. Gotta love it.We did cut a tree down that “worried him. Limbs were over his electrical lines. He also has 2 trees the same thing….but his are fine in his mind. Oh well. He is a good neighbor and nice
It’s great that your neighbor has offered to
help pay for the repairs. We put in lattice
on top of our fence that separates us from
the neighbors, they bought this huge RV
that was very visible after claiming they
weren’t going to buy one. The cost was 3k
noy a peep out of them about helping with
the cost. They are in Texas now,
I don’t miss them one whit.
When our old neighbor cut down trees and shrubs, I put up 3 panels with tight lattice 10′ wide by 5 ‘high on large stakes into the ground. Covered with vines. My new neighbor is nice. The old assholes had to move and went to a senior living with medical care.
Hi Trace! Hurray for clean yard!
We have been in the 60’s at night and low 90’s in the day. For Texas it is positively brisk outside
Temps are are finally ramping down.
We are not out of summer yet but it’s
definitely cooling at night.
Check engine light came on possibly need new cat ☹️Granted my car is 24 years old but it only has 108,777 miles on it. Runs fine and no weird noises or vibrations. Is there a time machine where I can go back and have my parents settle in San Francisco or New York where you don’t need a car?
Your dad’s car is almost as old as you are.
Is it a Mazda or a Toyota? 24 years is pretty
old for a car, you’re lucky to have gotten that
many years even with the low mileage.
Hi Marls it’s a Mazda gave me and my parents the end around on the CEL about eight years ago I would rant all day about it on MP LOL but it’s been a rock solid car. I had the O2 sensors replaced last year so hopefully it’s just the catalyst that may need to be replaced cat codes can come up for any number of reasons. If it is the cat I’ll just keep driving it as I don’t have to worry about smog for another year and save up for a used Chevy or Ford. I drive about 7-8 miles a day sometimes less than that. I live close by to grocery stores and Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf so I can walk if needed.
Yeah I remember some of your ‘rants’. They weren’t
too bad especially to those who owned cars that had
quit on them at one time or another. I’ve had it happen
to me. You have to consider yourself extremely lucky
because that car was built to last. Years ago I had a
Toyota like your car. I kept it for 18 years. When we
sold it, the engine was in great shape, it’s only real
problem was that the fabric had faded a bit. I wonder
if it is still running. It really is convenient to live near
shopping, we have to drive to get a dozen eggs.
Marls! I ordered a CARB compliant cat online and a muffler shop installed it for the cost of labor at a reasonable price. My car is running like a champ!
Does that mean you are going to give up
saving for a new ride? I have been looking
at 3 options to replace one of our current cars. I was thinking my husband will be 75
his next BD, something smaller than his current car will be more practical.
Doctor visit today.
1) Chronic asthmatic
2) High blood pressure (but not in danger of severe hypertension)
3) Possibly pre-diabetic
4) Have arthritis in both knees
Otherwise I’m 100% healthy and have no complaints!
Wow, really! Sounds as though you need to change
your life style.
Fire season has officially hit Western Washington. There’s a large fire about an hour from here
Uh oh, make sure you have enough meds on hand.
Listening to some of the hottest songs from 2016 and I still can’t wrap my mind around the fact it was eight years ago.
It was the year America got shafted.
Marls! Little secret I’m about to share I like Justin Beiber’s songs from that year.
Hey, you can like whatever you like, I am not
familiar with his work. I am old school. Here’s
a funny thought, Justin Beiber is fast becoming
old school for your generation, weird isn’t it?
Hi Marls! Yeah you can say that Justin was very popular in the early and mid 2010s. I don’t know what Gen Z which comes after us millennials listens to all I can say is that it shouldn’t be labeled as music.
Haha, tbh, I listen to very little music
these days. When I do I listen I prefer
contemporary Jazz and instrumentals.
There are some fantastic singers today
I’m sure, I just don’t listen to them unless
I happen upon something that catches
my interest.
I like the other Justin…the one who got arrested a few months ago! (Timberlake)
What was Timberlake arrested for?
It’s (my work) Friday
It’s Friday
Lovin’ that’s it’s Friday
Looking forward to my weekend…
What happened at the meeting the other day?
I’ll tell you later. It was pretty brutal
Uh uh, sounds ominous.
5.6 magnitude earthquake just happened near Bakersfield felt it here all the way down in L.A. Edit: Now it’s been downgraded to 5.3
That’s not much a downgrade my friend. Did you feel
it? I was in the Bay Area when we got rocked by the
big one. That was an experience I never want to relive.
Once was quite enough!
Evening Marls! It was a rolling motion here in L.A. lasted about 10 seconds or so.
Isn’t it funny how 10 seconds can feel like hours.
Hi guys! Had Korean today and feeling sleepy.
Hey Sal. Are you back at work? I’ll check back in
tomorrow, I am kind of busy.
Talk soon..😴
Hi Marls! I got about two and a half weeks of summer left going to make the most out of it. No problem I’ll check back in tomorrow!
Good morning Sal. We had a busy weekend,
doing dis and dat. The heat is still with us but
we are supposed to be getting some relief some
time this week.
I love Korean food, actually I love anything that
is not your basic meat and potatoes.
What did you have?
Hi Marls! I picked up fried sole flounder from Hannam and had various banchan or veggie side dishes with it. The banchan are my favorite part of Korean food! I have a Korean tea which is made from scorched rice and the aroma and taste is lovely! I always brew a few cups in the evening.
Sounds very tasty. You are our resident
gourmand, you do all of the eating but
we get to enjoy the meals without all of
pesky unwanted calories.
Tea made from scorched rice? No way!
But then again, when you think about it,
it’s not that difficult to grasp.
Exploring Korean tea is fun! There is a hydrangea tea that I will try next time I do my shopping. I’m going to the China Buffet tomorrow!
Okay now I have heard it all, there is
such a thing as Hydrangea tea? Well
I suppose since there is Hibiscus Tea
and Dandelion Tea I shouldn’t be all that
surprised that there is tea made from Hydrangeas.
Enjoy the buffet! Your carefree days of
summer are shrinking then it’s back to
Yes! There’s even Korean onion tea! Most Korean teas are herbal but they’re great to have after a meal.
Really, onion tea? Never heard of
it. Do you like it?
I haven’t tried it yet! It does look tempting my palate can handle bold flavors.
Let me know what you think if you do try it.
I love love love spicy foods, it’s my dad’s
fault. He used to cook for us when we were
kids, boy did he have a heavy hand when
it came to spicy up dishes. The only spice
I can’t handle, and don’t like, is Carolina
Creepers, those are the hottest peppers I
have ever tried and lived to tell about it😅
How do you feel about turnips? There’s a Chinese dish that has braised beef and turnips in a stew!
I actually like turnips I substitute them for
potatoes in stews and greens. Did you like
the stew? I would have.
I haven’t tried it! Will need to plan another trip to Chinatown since no restaurants here offer it on their menus.
Do try it when you get a chance. Turnips
add a bit more bite than potatoes. I had
not used them in soups and stews before
but I did once when I didn’t have potatoes
on hand but I did have the turnips, they were
just as good as potatoes.
Morning Marlie and Sal
Been busy with clean up, finding someone to cut some trees…general hard work and high heat. We do manage to cook every nite, been making up recipes with hubs and they all turned out great. .
Morning Trace. We are still having 100 degree
temperatures here. It’s really terrible to have to
endure the heat and lack of humidity.
What good foods have you and your husband
cooked up?
Hi Trace! There was a 5.3 magnitude earthquake near Bakersfield felt it here in L.A.
“A politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn’t happen.”
Sir Winston Churchill
Barf barf barf, I am a dog I barf therefore I am.
Sir Winston of California
How did my work day end today, you ask? …
One psychotic guy triggered a flurry of phone calls by the staff by dumping his underwear/clothes on the dining room table!
Hee hee, so it continues, bet Ivars doesn’t look so
bad now, eh?
Nope…still don’t miss it. In Seattle they were doing the same crazy things out on the street or on the monorail. At least this time they’re in a controlled medical facility
Well okay then. Sorry, I am late, had some house
work to do. I guess the work environment at Ivar’s
became too much to stomach, so to speak.
Fun times at work today! A guy tried to escape the detox clinic by forcing his way through the nurse’s office, and in the process he knocked over one of the nurses. After he was talked into coming back in the building, he then stripped his bed and tried to take the bed sheets out the door.
After the second attempt, the nurses gave up on him and let him leave. Within a minute, he then went across the street and started pounding on a guy’s front door, demanding that he give him his car back (he didn’t have a car). We ended up calling the cops, and then they let him go after handcuffing him.
We have some real psychos that pass through those doors….and the Lynnwood police can really suck sometimes!
As I have said more than a few times. Seems there’s never
a dull moment at that place but when there is a dull moment
something happens to make it a lot less dull.
Freia’s pictures are on the left. The colors are really perky!
What a day!
It’s never boring there.
Good morning Freia. It sure seems as though
there’s always something going on where she
Ugh…one of my colleagues from Sunday tested positive for Covid!! Now I’ll have to test myself on Wednesday.
As I was saying, there’s rarely a dull moment
where you work. Why do you have to wait until
Wednesday? Incubation?
It takes about 3 days for it to be a true positive test
Oh, okay. Did you test yet, and, if so,
do you have the results?
Tested negative. But found yesterday another colleague from Sunday tested positive.
Uh oh, does this mean you are off
work for the time being?
Hello everyone
Just wanted to check everything out, before going to sleep 😴 Seems really nice!
Have a great day!
Thanks Fre, it’s a nice place to catch up with family and
friends. Did you see your flowers on the left hand side?
They are a nice addition.
I saw the pictures, and they fit so nicely! 🙂 thank you!
You’re welcome. Tracey and I are avid gardeners.
Not me so much but I still love beautiful flowers.
Also, you should have an avatar so you won’t
be a blank commenter. Any idea about what
you might like to present as?
That’s a good question
Ido love the racoons and red pandas
Morning Freia. I often say one of the
great things is life is that one can learn
something every day. I have never heard
of red pandas before. I looked them up
they look like a cross between a raccoon
and a fox with a dab of panda deep in their
You never heard of red pandas?
Nope, never. They are very cute little animals.
Heading off to bed, g’nite.🛌
Guys! I’m currently on a nostalgia binge watching COPS. I’ve seen episodes from L.A., San Bernardino, Sacramento, Fort Worth, and now I’m watching San Diego. Which city should I go to next? El Paso? Phoenix? Portland? Minneapolis?
Hi Sal. My vote would be for Phoenix, keep it on the coast,
then move north after El Paso.
OK Marls! I’ll watch Phoenix after finishing the San Diego series. After Phoenix I can hop over to El Paso and then Minneapolis. I hope I can find a St Louis series, most likely I can since it has a higher per capita crime rate than L.A.
Sounds like a good plan!
Funny thing is, I never watched Cops,
but I was a big Law and Order fan.
Check out their L.A. series on YouTube. It’s from the early 90s and you can feel how gritty the city was back then. They counted Pomona as part of their San Bernardino series even though it’s on the outer eastern edge of L.A. County.
No, I never watched it, but I did watch
LA Law with Susan Dey. My dog Max
was born in San Bernadino, my husband
drove from Sparks Nevada to pick him up.
Wow! Max was born in the inland empire! Ray Croc opened his first McDonald’s in San Bernardino.
The Mexican food in Pomona is legit! Sucks it’s about 60 miles away from me though.
Really. How often do you travel there?
Not often I’d wager.
I am hanging out on Raw Story. They
are an outspoken bunch.
Not often is right! Isn’t Raw Story one of the sites you used to frequent in 2015-16? I think Trace and our Buffalo gal Misty were members too.
Yep, I haunted RS and a couple other
places. I met Trace an Gnu on Huff Post.
I am not sure where RG found Misty, he
was a regular on Epoch News so was
lally and HB.
Was The Intercept also another site you were active on? We had someone from New Mexico on MP who was active there I think her name was Ally or Allison?
No, I never heard of The Interception.
When Huff Post took on AOL posters then
tried to force users to open a FB account
a lot of people scattered to other sites.
I’m signing off, been up since 5 am.
Was nice chatting with you.
I was banned any years ago, I dropped anFbomb
Where were you banned from?
Nowadays just about every cuss
word can be found on just about
any site. Very surprising they allow
such language.
Did you know filo? He’s still posting
on Raw Story and Crooks and Liars.
I comment some, but not much, I am
not looking for a following.
I still am
Have you tried to get reinstated?
Or, are you not interested? Can’t
say that I blame you if you are not
Just saw the “Lightyear” movie. It’s very underrated…I liked it a lot!
Lightyear? What is it about?
It’s a prequel to the Toy Story franchise.
Ah. okay. I looked it up. Actually, I did
watch it, but it was like a year ago, I think?
So this is what getting some sleep feels like. I like it.
Happy Olympics Friday!
Hey! Good morning! Don’t let it go to your head,
you’ll be back at it tomorrow.
Not till Sunday.
I was supposed to go to my other job today but called out.
Ooops! I was thinking today was Saturday.
I am a day off. My usual Friday lunch date
got cancelled due to Covid 45.
Next Saturday I’m working the primary job, so will be working 5 days next week.
Are you filling in for John? I thought you
said he was taking vacation time in Sept.
He and other of my colleagues are going to the Seattle Seahawks’ inter-team scrimmage on the 3rd. And he’s taking a few days off in October.
Oh I see. Enjoying your day off?
Totally. Sometimes it’s just nice to listen to Youtube videos of people trying to figure out why idiots still believe the Earth is flat 😃
You’re still listening to those flat minded folks!
Happy Birthday Sal.!!
Thanks Marls! Wish you and Trace were at the buffet with me! You guys would have gotten a senior discount 😉
Haha, very funny, watch it kid!
Glad you had an enjoyable day!
Well, he’s right you know… I’m years away from that milestone! 😜
Whoa, taking a jab at me the first thing this
morning, so cheeky!
But I don’t mind going to a movie for half off…but will have to wait.
Funny thing is Senior discounts don’t count
for much any more. So you don’t have that
much to look forward to.
I invited ‘F’ to visit the site to see how it
looks, she has been busy so I don’t know
when she might drop in.
Yep she’s been busy with her horse hobby job.
I think she’ll also be busy watching the TV for the next 2 weeks. She loves the equestrian events.
Well it was a thought. I’ll send her the link.
If she uses it fine, if not, still fine.
It warms me on the inside that you still think I’m a kid 😊
Of course I do. I am 72, my daughter ttk is
51, so yeah I still think of you as ‘the kid’ 😀
We managed to save a Magnolia today, it slightly leaned so we cut heavy branches from the front, weighted and stake the tree and it looks like it will work. I am still crying over all my old growth magnolias, pine6 of the and other assorted trees. We will plant flowering trees and plants in the decimated area.
Hello Trace. We have a Magnolia that has maroon-ish colored
flowers. It’s a dwarf variety, it doesn’t grow many flowers per
year. It’s been in the ground for 6 plus years and it’s only about
Are you still wanting to move, if so, do you want to invest in more
I was just reading about Texas being one of the states where you
can buy vending machine bullets, wow, just wow.
America is getting scarier and scarier by the day.
Yes it is true, 2 small towns in the NE are selling this garbage. Kamala needs to kick traitor to the curb.
Recently an ammunition store was broken into.
The thief made off with a large number of
weapons, guess they’re stocking up to start
their ill fated civil disobedience when drumpf
gets his azz handed to him after the election.
Lemme guess…the thief was a 20-year-old, mentally disturbed male whose daddy couldn’t buy the guns for him, so he got them himself!
Tbh, I haven’t heard any more. He’s probably
the son of some mucky muck who felt like it
was his privilege to break into an arms store.
I’ll let you know if I hear more.
After the way the neighborhood and a bunch of small churches ran around the neighborhood with chain saws and 75 people, I do not know. They helped us quite a bit. I felt guilty because our house was fine.
I am glad your place came through relatively
unscathed. 75 people with chain saws, yikes!
Just kidding, we’ll at least they were trying to
do some good.