Let’s Chat

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Had our power knocked out a couple of times yesterday from the cyclone bomb. Might be more of the same tonight.


Who wants to bake brownies with Bill? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpBVO9vcr_Y


Chat, chat, chat at 3:35PM


You’re still “mom” to me. LOL


Hi Mouse! I’m the elder offspring of Marlie. 🙂

I pop in from time to time. But I work two jobs, so it’s difficult.

Things are already expensive here. We were already getting an influx of “refugees” from Idaho, but they’re only poisoning the blood of Eastern Washington, so they can stay there!


Would I qualify as a “youngster?”

tracey marie

Evening all. Seems to be quiet here for a bit but wanted to say hello and I am alive.


Hi guys! How is everyone?

tracey marie

Hi there, just cking in after a long break. Been busy with workers, the only thing left is the fence and that will be taken care of next week. FINALLY.


Metro bus hijacked in L.A. one of the wildest chases you will ever see. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5HdGHrMiiY


LA Metro has had a lot of incidents lately when I took it to college about a decade ago I didn’t felt unsafe at all even during the evenings when I was coming home. The homeless population here has also exploded since then so you have people who are mentally ill or on drugs being belligerent to bus operators and passengers. I think it’s going to get worse before it gets better.


The main driving force behind homelessness here is the absurd rent. You have shoe boxes with broken pipes that cost 2k minimum for a one bedroom. Substance abuse is an issue but if you tackle the root cause which is the housing crisis that can curb drug use. Studies have shown that four months is the typical window that a homeless person has before they become susceptible to alcoholism and drug use. L.A. politics on the surface may seem tame because it hasn’t had notorious scandals like Chicago or New York but it’s very dirty behind the scenes.


Bengals are 0-3 to start the season {sad tiger noises}


Me-ouch indeed! We’re in a tough division too and the hole we dug ourselves in is huge.


Warriors like the Lakers have an aging superstar who can still perform at an elite level but can’t carry the team on his back anymore. I’m ready for basketball this offseason felt so long!


Marls! The Lakers drafted his son in the second round they’ll be the first father-son duo to play in league history! LeBron will be 40 this December and even though he’s not as explosive as he was 3-4 years ago he’s still one of the top 5 players. It would be awesome if the Lakers can win one more ring with him but they need a strong bench and versatile role players. I think LeBron wants to win one more ring so he can retire with at least 5 but I also think he’s proud of what he’s accomplished and wants to play until his body tells him it’s officially time to hang them up. When he retires it’s going to feel very strange watching basketball as he was the bridge between 2000s and 2010s basketball. I’m very fortunate to have witnessed his career that 2016 Finals Series was the most epic I’ve ever seen and I think it won’t be matched for a very long time.


Fly Eagles Fly….

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